Children and Youth Ministry
We have many activities for the children at Paw Creek and visitors are welcomed with open arms.
You are encouraged to visit and discover which activity is right for you.
Children Connecting with Christ (CCC)
Invitation to all school age children and youth
Starting Wednesday, September 25, 2024
We will be meeting: Wednesdays 5:30-7:30p.m.
at Paw Creek Presbyterian Church
- Recreation in Gym 5:30-6:00
- Supper 6:00-6:30
- Bible lessons, crafts and projects 6:30-7:30
- Parent pick-up at 7:30 from the West Wing
We’re excited about Chris Boswell, our Youth Ministries Leader, returning to lead our Children Connecting with Christ (CCC) group for the 2024-25 year.
How you can help:
- Prayers for the success of the CCC program are always welcome!
- Spread the word about CCC to family and friends in the community.
- Many volunteers are needed to work with teaching (for the younger children), classroom support and providing simple meals each week. Please consider offering the CCC Outreach program the gift of your time and talents
Thank you, CCC Leadership

CCC Trip to the Raptor Center
We have a private Facebook site.
PCPC CCC – Children Connecting With Christ